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July 1, 2024


Check Out Jennifer Patterson’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Patterson.

Hi Jennifer, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.I began my career in retail management, where I quickly learned the ropes of leadership and operations. However, it wasn’t until I transitioned into human resources that I truly found my passion. There, I discovered the immense satisfaction of supporting people and building teams prioritizing their well-being. In 2020, I left my corporate career behind as a CHRO/CXO and opened Patterson Consulting Group. It’s been an enriching journey since then.

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Feb 26, 2024

CanvasRebel Magazine

Meet Jen Patterson

Jen, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today.

Can you talk to us about your team building process? How did you recruit and train your team and knowing what you know now would you have done anything differently?

Starting Patterson Consulting Group (PCG) marked the beginning of an exhilarating chapter in my professional journey.

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Nov 9, 2023


Enhancing Organizational Success: Navigating Performance Management

In any successful organization, effective performance management is vital. This process includes a variety of actions aimed at ensuring employees are achieving their objectives and contributing to overall business success. In my career, I've found there are three critical factors of performance management: well-executed performance reviews, proper goal setting and goal tracking efforts and strategies for getting struggling employees back on track.

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Jun 13, 2023


Creating A Culture Of Training And Development In The Workplace

Training and development play a critical role in every organization, contributing to employee growth, job satisfaction and productivity. A culture devoted to training and development ensures employees are continuously motivated and engaged in their work. It's founded on an organization's commitment to deliberate and systematic programs designed to build the skills, knowledge and competencies necessary for success.

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Apr 24, 2023


Engagement Is A Necessity Throughout The Entire Employee Lifecycle

Employee engagement is a crucial part of any business's success. It's an ongoing process that begins when an employee is hired and continues throughout their career. Staying connected with employees at every level in the company has many advantages, from increased productivity to higher retention rates. Here's what employee engagement looks like throughout the entire employee lifecycle and why it matters.

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Apr 14, 2023


Here's How HR Leaders Can Build Trust And Strengthen Employee Relations

The relationship between employees and their employer is a critical factor in the success of any company. As the gatekeepers of this relationship, HR leaders play a pivotal role in building trust and improving relations with employees. This is especially important in today's dynamic work environment, where employee expectations are constantly evolving.

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Apr 12, 2023


15 Strategies For Preventing Layoffs And Ensuring Job Security In Tough Times

During tough economic times, companies may be forced to make difficult decisions about staffing levels. However, layoffs can be detrimental to both employees and the organization as a whole and should be avoided if possible.

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Mar 31, 2023


15 Things HR Leaders Can Do To Help Build Strong Employer Brands

As businesses strive to grow and succeed in today's competitive market, attracting top talent has become a critical objective. Human resources leaders play a vital role in building strong employer brands that appeal to job applicants.

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Mar 31, 2023


15 Effective Workplace Communication Tips For Introverts

For many introverts, the workplace can be a challenging environment, where the pressure to engage with others and communicate effectively can be overwhelming. However, effective communication is critical to success in most workplaces, and it is essential for introverts to find ways to build their comfort level in engaging with others.

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Mar 31, 2023


15 Things HR Leaders Can Do To Help Build Strong Employer Brands

As businesses strive to grow and succeed in today's competitive market, attracting top talent has become a critical objective. Human resources leaders play a vital role in building strong employer brands that appeal to job applicants.

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Mar 22, 2023


15 Ways For Business Leaders To Reduce Stress Levels At Work

Business leaders often carry a lot of responsibility and are expected to perform at a high level. However, the pressure and stress that come with these responsibilities can take a toll on their mental and physical health, leading to burnout and other health issues.

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Mar 20, 2023


How HR Leaders And Recruiters Can Make The Most Of A Job Fair

Job fairs, whether in-person or virtual, are an excellent opportunity for HR leaders and recruiters to meet with potential candidates and build a pipeline of talent for their organizations. However, with so many candidates to talk to and limited time available, it's essential to utilize their time and efforts wisely.

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